How to provide Local Flexibility Services

You are a market stakeholder, an aggregator or a company and you would like to provide a Local Flexibility service for Enedis’ distribution network?

What is a Local Flexibility?

Enedis purchases Local Flexibility services to facilitate the integration of renewable electricity production and enable the evolution of electricity demand. Local Flexibility services are a new lever, in addition to the usual levers, for network planning, optimization and management.

A Local Flexibility service is a voluntary power modulation of one or more asset(s), during a given period and in reaction to an external signal, to solve grid congestions. This may involve, for example, temporarily changing your electricity consumption.

The local characteristic of the flexibility is essential as the congestion of the distribution network are in delimited geographical areas and therefore the location of the asset(s) providing the flexibility service is key.

How to bid in Enedis’ Local Flexibility market

To bid in Enedis’ Local Flexibility market, you must be able to provide a Local Flexibility service with an asset(s) portfolio connected to the determined grid areas for the call for tenders. You can visualize those areas in the dedicated website:  Flexibilité Enedis

Each Local Flexibility Service need is described in the legal documents of the call for tenders and the dedicated website: Flexibilité Enedis

NB: French is the required language to participate in the call for tenders.
Call for tendersLegal documents

2025 call for tenders – Ongoing

Enedis opened the 2025 call for tenders on March 17th 2025. It consists of 58 areas with upward services.
The bids can be submitted until May 30th 2025.

You can visualize the 58 areas on the dedicated website Flexibilité Enedis.

2024 S2 call for tenders – Closed
2024 S1 call for tenders – ClosedRésultats de l'appel d'offres 2024

2023 call for tenders – Closed

At the end of the call for tenders’ procedure, Enedis contracted 4 Local Flexibility services.

Résultats de l'appel d'offres 2023
2022 call for tenders – ClosedRésultats de l'appel d'offres 2022
2021 call for tenders – ClosedRésultats de l'appel d'offres 2021

2020 call for tenders – Closed

At the end of the call for tenders’ procedure, Enedis contracted 2 Local Flexibility services.

Résultats de l'appel d'offres 2020

Co-construction of the Local Flexibility Services Market Framework

Since the first call for tenders for Local Flexibility services in 2020, Enedis has been developing and evolving the framework through feedback and regular exchanges with stakeholders via the consultation body of the Comité des Acteurs du Système Électrique (CASE) within the Comité des Utilisateurs du Réseau de Distribution d’Électricité (CURDE).